Friday, March 6, 2015

Repost: Why 3Strands Marriage Ministry?

After Heather's testimony surfaced this week in several places, we felt the need to repost an older blog. A few slight changes have been made. Hopefully this shares our heart with you...

We are so excited about launching 3Strands Marriage Ministry! Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "...a cord of three strands is not quickly broken." In marriage, those three strands should consist of a husband, a wife, and God. For most of our marriage we thought that we were a cord of three strands. However, our marriage hit crisis mode in August 2011, and we realized that God was not the center of our marriage after all. Since then, we have been on a journey of healing, forgiveness, restoration, and redemption. Each step of the journey is strengthening our "cord of three strands."

We are sure that some people will wonder, "Why throw your story out into the world like this?" Well, first of all, the sin was thrown out into the world for all to see, so we believe that God's redemption should be on display even more. Would it be easier to just slip back into life, try to make a new normal, and heal privately? Maybe...but we wouldn't be showing obedience to God, because He is stirring something else in our hearts.

Have you read Justin and Trisha Davis' book, Beyond Ordinary? What a great book! They mention a quote from Brennan Manning's Abba's Child that pretty much answers the question, "Why 3Strands Marriage Ministry?"

"In a futile attempt to erase our past, we deprive the community of our healing gift. If we conceal our wounds out of fear and shame, our inner darkness can neither be illuminated nor become a light for others."

So, why 3Strands Marriage Ministry? Because God wants to heal, restore, redeem, and strengthen your marriage. He wants your marriage to be everything you dreamed it would be, and more. After 18 years of marriage, we are walking that path, and we want to walk it with you...

Rusty and Heather Bryant

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