Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Merry "&%$!" Christmas

Last night, I (Heather) was doing a little last minute shopping. The lady checking out in front of me was on the phone with her husband and was telling him that she was buying an artificial tree. Apparently the real one he bought was already dead and it was only December 16th! She told him the price of the tree, but assured him that it was on sale and that she had a coupon. She hung up and turned to pay for her tree. The total surprised her and she told the teller that it was supposed to be on sale. The teller assured her that the total was the sale price and that she would not be able to use her coupon on an item that was already on sale.  The lady in front of me was very upset and called her husband back to ask him what to do. I am pretty sure that his response was “no” and she was NOT happy about it. She promptly told the teller that she could not buy the tree. The teller replied with a soft “that is no problem at all.” Then came the moment. The very frustrated lady said in a very angry voice, “Well, Merry F-n Christmas”! 

After the color came back into my face, I began to think how sad it was that this lady was missing the entire meaning of what Christmas is supposed to be about. She was missing the Joy of Christmas. She tried to put her joy in a tree!  So she was not only missing out on a tree, but she was very angry with her husband for not giving her what she thought would make her happy. What I wanted to tell her was that the tree had no hope of bringing her joy. As silly as that sounds, we ALL do it! We all try to find things of this world to bring us Joy and they ALL leave us feeling empty! There is only one person that is designed to complete us, and that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Oh for so many years I put that pressure on my husband, family, friends, and “stuff”.  It was all about what I could get from them to make me happy. I always seemed to be in a desperate search for someone or something that was going to do that for me. Then came the reality that full and complete Joy was not wrapped up in my husband, or my children, or my friends, or presents, or even a tree. But it is wrapped up in swaddling clothes, and was born in a stable many years ago for me. That baby is the only source of real Joy.


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