Thursday, February 26, 2015

Punching Satan

Over the last 3 1/2 years, we have learned a lot about spiritual warfare. We have always believed that a war is going on around us, but we discovered a new respect for it when we came face to face with Satan's attempted destruction of our marriage. When we finally get around to publishing our book, there will be a chapter on everything we learned about Satan.

Because we are more aware of his tactics and schemes, there are times when we just know that we are going to be attacked. This is one of those seasons.

Three pretty significant things are happening right now in our marriage, more specifically in our ministry to other marriages. First, we just started going through our marriage curriculum with our third small group. We have gotten off to a great start, having met 3 times. Secondly, our good friend, Jeff Childress (, just updated our website ( with a fresh design. Finally, Heather's testimony is scheduled to be shared on the worship guide of Pinelake Church for the next 2 weeks.

We heard a sermon recently where a gentleman was sharing his testimony of tragedy in his life. Satan attacked him and his family in a very real and powerful way. He shared that every time he has an opportunity to tell his story of God's victory, it feels like he is punching Satan in the gut. With what we have going on right now, we feel like we are getting in 3 pretty strong jabs!

As I (Rusty) was running this morning, I heard God warning me of the spiritual attack because of these 3 things. God gave me some pretty specific instructions on how we could fight the spiritual attack over the next few days. So, can I ask that you pray for us as we fight? We'll let you join in on the fun of punching Satan!

Rusty and Heather

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