Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Heal the Wound

For a mom of two very active boys, I am blessed to say that they haven’t had any broken bones and we have only had to make one trip to the doctor for stitches. Logan was riding his dirt bike right outside our house when he took a curve too fast and crashed onto the pavement. Luckily, I was outside, and was there within seconds. As I approached, I knew it was bad. Rusty and I took him to the doctor knowing what was to come. The next hour was no fun for anyone! It took so many people to hold that baby still for shots to deaden the area, and they had to put in lots of stitches, but overall, Logan was a trooper.

After 2 weeks, we went back to the doctor to get his stitches out. This was a lot less painful and it was over before Logan could blink. As we were driving home, I noticed that Logan kept staring at his leg. I got kind of tickled because he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of it. When I finally asked him what in the world he was doing, he said, “My scar is awesome, it looks just like a Nike swoosh!” We all just died out laughing. But the funny thing was, it did look exactly like the Nike swoosh. Needless to say, he loved showing it off to everyone.

When I think about my sin that overtook me almost 4 years ago, and specifically the moment it was made known, I feel lots of pain and hurt. It was painful because I had broken the heart of my husband. It was painful because it was so public and was on display for everyone to see. It was painful because I had embarrassed my family and my friends. It was painful because the scarlet A that you read about became a reality for me. But none of those pains compared to the moment that I looked into the face of my heavenly Father and knew that I grieved His heart. At that moment, I felt like I crashed onto the pavement.

Luckily, like Logan, people were there to pick me up. I went through lots of counseling and had Godly women invest in my life and helped me to heal. Not only did I heal, but I also fell in love with my Jesus for the very first time in my life. But like Logan, I have a scar.

There is a song that Point of Grace sings that asks God to please  “Heal the Wound but Leave the Scar” Oh how I pray this over my life. God started healing me the day that I caught a glimpse of Him. He drew me close to Him and has been teaching me more about Himself every day. There have been so many hard days and I know that there will be more to come, but I am healing. I want to heal, but I want my scar to stay. I want it to constantly remind me of His mercy and His grace on my life. I want it to constantly remind me that I am broken and torn apart but that God takes the pieces of my heart and heals.

We all have sin in our lives that hurts. Some of it is public and some of it is hidden away so no one sees. Some of our sin we have made so normal that we don’t even see it as sin anymore. I pray that we can see our sin for what it is and pray daily for God to reveal it to us. But more than that, I pray that we give it to God and ask for Him to heal us.

Like Logan, I am proud of my scar. He may have a Nike Swoosh, but mine is way cooler. Mine is in the shape of the cross.


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